Concurso de Design Rugvista!


Hearts por Nina Steinacker



Love is all you need!
A colourful and vivid pattern of hearts that for sure puts you into a good mood.
Love is all you need!
Dieses farbenfrohe und lebendige Muster macht einfach gute Laune.

Acerca de Nina Steinacker

Nina Steinacker was born in July 1978 in Leverkusen, Germany. Painting, drawing and just being creative in any way, have always been her favorite occupations.
She studied communications design in Wuppertal and got her degree in 2006. In addition, she also studied fine arts in Essen for a few years. Currently on parental leave she still uses every possibility of being creative.
It is exiting for her to see the results of her design experiments and she is always glad if people like them as well.

Im Juli 1978 in Leverkusen geboren male und zeichne ich seit ich einen Stift halten kann.
Ich habe Kommunikationsdesign in Wuppertal studiert, wo ich 2006 auch mein Diplom erworben habe. Nebenbei habe ich mehrere Jahre Graphik und Malerei in Essen studiert.
Momentan noch in Elternzeit, nutze ich jede Gelegenheit kreativ zu sein. Es ist spannend für mich die Ergebnisse meiner Design-Experiment zu sehen und ich bin immer sehr froh wenn die Leute sie mögen.

O tapete também está disponível nas cores:

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