Concurso de Design Rugvista!


Trenje por Milos Todorovic

Serbia and Montenegro

Serbia and Montenegro

When I did this one I was thinking about roses, although that might not be you one\'s initial thought.\"Trenje\" in Serbian means Friction, so I guess I was in that kind of a mood that day. But don\'t let this fool you, thorns are actually triangles, a very symbolic 3 sided shape, which for me is a pyramid in 2d. Energy flows through strings and exit through pyramids. Strings represent colors of the rainbow-sort of, so the meaning can also be Light, just think of Pink Floyd.
Kad sam ovo radio mislio sam o ruzama, mada to mozda nije prva misao o ovom radu. Rad se zove trenje, ali ima dublje znacenje. Trnje su trouglovi koji je veoma simbolican trostrani oblik, koji ja smatram piamidom u dve dimenzije. Energija protice kroz niti i izlazi kroz piramide. Niti predstavljaju boje duge, tako da znacenje moze da bude takodje svetlo, setite se Pink Floyd-a.

Acerca de Milos Todorovic

Milos Todorovic is an Industrial Designer from Belgrade, Serbia. Graduated at the Academy of Applied Arts in Belgrade. He is currently employed as a graphic designer which he also does. He was also educated in painting,drawing, and calligraphy. Thereby he would often mix these artistic styles and try to be as diverse as he can be. He is a teacher in the time of enrolling to college, giving classes of industrial design.
Moje ime je Milos Todorovic, ja sam diplomirani industrijski dizajner iz Beograda, Srbija. Diplomirao sam na fakultetu Primenjenih Umetnosti u Beogradu, master. Trenutno sam zaposlen kao graficki dizajner, cime se takodje bavim. Obrazovan sam i u slikanju, crtanju i kaligrafiji i cesto volim da mesam ove stilove. Na taj nacin postizem pravi kreativni balans.

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