Compétition de conception Rugvista Design !


Our Rug de Kathy Shaskan



This design has an odd history: I dragged my husband to an art gathering at a park. Everyone made collages, which didn't interest him at all, so he just slapped together a bunch of green strips, because that was the pile of scraps closest to him. He hated the result, but I kept looking at it, intrigued, and asked if I could use it as the basis of a design. I added pops of color, darker areas, and manipulated some of the shapes. This was the result, which we both agreed we'd like to have as a rug.

Sur Kathy Shaskan

Kathy Shaskan is an artist and writer living in New Jersey, USA. She creates mostly collage-inspireded designs, along with geometric sculptures and items crafted from wool felt.

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